Praising God

Worship at Hunting Ridge

Beginning promptly at 11 am on Sundays, we gather in our sanctuary to serve God through praise and thanksgiving.  Our music is varied, from old hymns to short Taize chants, from praise choruses to African American spirituals and  global music.

outdoor worshipA member of the congregation participates as a worship leader, and we regularly stop for a prayer for peace in our lives, in our community and in our world.  Our worship experience is a blend of traditional prayers and statements of faith, as well as creative expressions of our beliefs.

Pastor Deborah preaches for about 15 minutes, and worship typically concludes before 12:15 pm.  Every Sunday we share in fellowship around a snack table immediately following worship.

What about the kids? 

IMG_2277Child care is provided for children under 3 during the entire worship service, with a nursery staffed by two caregivers.  Children aged 3 to 5th grade join the pastor for a “conversation with the young disciples” in the front of the sanctuary during the early part of the service, and then depart with their teachers to our One Room School of Faith, our Sunday Christian education opportunity for children.


Worship is supported by the HRPC Worship Team. For more information about how to get involved with this or any of the other ministries at Hunting Ridge, email the church office.

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